Dosing and filling machines
Dosing liquids and solids is one of the main functions of dosing and filling machines. With exactly the right dosing devices it is possible to fill powder, tablets, micro-tablets, pellets, liquids or a combination of all them. Crucial prerequisite is the precise dosing of active-ingredient quantities. This requires highly accurate weighing modules, sensors and control systems for the precise mass determination.
Not less important is the need to protect the product, the operating personnel and the environment. Especially the production of highly-effective or toxic products requires customized barrier technology. Containments fulfil different tasks in this context:
In aseptic filling lines for the safe manufacturing of sterile products, contamination by germ, viral, particle have to be kept away from the product. While handling toxic substances the protection of the operating personnel and environment is in the main focus. So called OEL levels (OEL … Occupational Exposure Limit) in the range of <1 µg/m³ (OEB5) to 5000µg/m³ (OEB1) have to be guaranteed for the specific substances. This function is taken over by containments, and their leakage tested and pressure controlled enclosure.
Process climate control
Prerequisite for sophisticated dosing processes and highly accurate weighing modules for the precise mass determination are stable and controlled environmental conditions. Instable conditions affect the performance of the system. Too low air humidity leads for instance to static charging, a too high humidity leads to absorption of moisture with hygroscopic products. With high accurate and sensitive control and weighing systems it is required to have environments with precise controlled temperature and free of pressure fluctuations in order to achieve reproducible weighing results. For that reason process climate control systems pay an important role in the pharmaceutical production with dosing and filling machines lines. Process climate control systems ensure a constant environment and herewith a constant product quality. They are responsible for the pressure control in containments and protect demand-orientated the product in aseptic applications or the operating personnel as required with toxic products.
Turnkey solutions
For an easy cleaning of the machine when changing the product Harro Höfliger prefers the concept od DRY-CLEANING and thereby relies on the process climate control systems of pure engineering.
Benefits on the process side: no bacteria growth by moisture, no waste disposal costs for contaminated water, as well as easier cleaning of the surfaces by prevention of incrustations by moisture in the machine.
Benefits during integration: qualified total solution from single source.